To the (endless) pool!

I got to try something a little different today.  Instead of heading over to the swimming pool in the slight drizzle that had fallen in the late afternoon, I decided to go for a swim at Cannasia @ Vertex.

Cannasia has an endless pool installed at their Cannondale showroom, the only one in Singapore I believe!  I had to pass my Powertap to VJ to have a look at so I thought it’d be good to get out of the cold and rain outside and have a swim indoors.

heater not included

Man, if I had known how cold it’d be, I would have worn a tri suit instead of my speedos!  For those still wondering what an endless pool is, its like a gigantic bathtub with a motor at the top of the tub.  It’s like a treadmill for swimming!  It takes a while to get used to swimming in the turbulance generated by the motor, but having to constantly battle the ‘currents’ and maintain your balance in the water helped make the time pass quicker than following that black line up and down the pool.


you too can swim for ages and not move anywhere!

Give VJ a shout and try out the endless pool.  Just remember to bring your wetsuit!

~ by triproject on February 20, 2012.

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